Christopher H. Schubert
Chriss@RRHC.comExtension 216
Eagleview Corporate Center
PO Box 1265
Exton, PA 19341
Tel. : 610-458-4400
Fax : 610-458-4441
April 25, 2012
Riley Riper Hollin & Colagreco
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
Re: John Palamar, Jr. / Power of Attorney
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
John Palamar, Jr.'s power of attorney is contingent upon agreement to dedicated funding available for Mary Palamar, which does not include expenditure nor loss of her assets and income as of April 11, 2011 A.D. It does not include any seizure and expenditure of said assets and income of which both you and John Palamar, Jr. are guilty.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
Dear Mrs. Palamar :
I am an attorney,
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
Having read this, your letter of April 25, 2012 A.D., the correct word is terrorist, which includes your harassment as well.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
and your son, John, Jr., has asked me to look over your power of attorney.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
Unlike your client, viz. John Palamar, Jr., Mr. Schubert, my mother is not guilty of murdering her husband. Your writing to her in any regard concerning John Palamar, Jr. constitutes conspiracy and harassment against not only her, but John Palamar, Sr. and myself as well.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
Recall, that in 2001 you granted him a general power of attorney.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
The power of attorney of 2001 was revoked on October 6, 2011 A.D., retroactive to the evening of April 11, 2011 A.D. when John Palamar, Jr. became a danger and a threat to both himself and others. As further information has been revealed to me regarding the illegality of the execution of death upon John Palamar, Sr., this revocation could just as well be extended to the initial date (even to the date of the very foundation of the United States of America - and the world) of obtaining said power of attorney as it was obtained through duress, notwithstanding any well-meaning intention. The main reason for revocation centers upon not only a total absense of any proof of the charge of treason against John Palamar, Sr., but the deliberate exclusion of dedicated funding for the benefit of Mary Palamar, which, if not adjusted, includes embezzlement, felony mail tampering, and robbery, notwithstanding the murder of John Palamar, Sr.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
Your power of attorney gave John, Jr. broad powers and authority on your behalf, including making financial decisions for you.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
For what necessity, now, such breadth remains as you describe, is only being built upon a calumnious assessment of my character (person), for which I hold you and any others party with it bound.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
John retained my services to discuss various aspects of your current financial affairs.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
Any retention of your work as an attorney in regard to my mother is also subject to the same outlines of October 6, 2011 A.D. After reading your (this) letter through in its entirety, it is merely the continuation of the tyrannical tirade thrown by John Palamar, Jr. on the evening of April 11, 2011 A.D. As this includes an obvious hate crime against my person, you also commit that same hate crime against her.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
Your power of attorney allows him to seek the advice of an attorney for his and your benefit.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
As stated, given the tenor of this letter, use of "attorney" is not a valid, legal substitute for "terrorist".
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
John told me that on many occasions you told him that you wanted to put money aside for your son, Edward, since Edward is disabled, is collecting money through SSI and does not have a steady job.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
If the root of your concern had not been originally presented as nothing more than frivolous advice, perhaps you would have gotten your facts straight. Then again, you could have first inquired of me, but as you are willingly ruled by your own predisposition of hatred, you've ignored better treatment to others in lieu of self-love as a mode of conduct. Given the deeds of both John Palamar, Jr. and yourself as regards negligence to my mother's health, safety, and salvation (welfare), you willfully neglect to respond favorably to anything akin to what John Palamar, Jr. efforts to describe. One does not need to be disabled to collect SSI. It is the overall mark of cowardice of others to beat upon another when such others perceive the victim of the beating to have a waning of strength. This has been the same overall tenor as regards the unjust execution of John Palamar, Sr., as the executioners were more imbued with an all-consuming hateful pride than a gift of jurisprudence. In this regard, if actions based upon such hatred are what you call a "steady job", thankfully, I don't have such a thing. I have been shown to value money as an oft time necessary means to procure goods, but that the gift of life is only something that God can give, inclusive to the same said necessary means. I rejoice in the daily bread sent to me from our common Father in Heaven. This is what I describe as my steady job, receiving blessings from the Eternal God for the remainder of eternity, into the future.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
On your behalf, John contacted a law firm in Pottstown, Pennsylvania.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
That is not an accurate statement given the debilitating effects concerning the evening of April 11, 2011 A.D. and the overturning of the conviction against John Palamar, Sr. as regards treason. On the merits of John Palamar, Jr.'s conduct alone that evening, had he done such a thing within striking distance, given the assaultive and provocative nature of his actions, another might have killed him. A murderous rob is hardly a law firm, and it does not serve on her behalf so long as I live and breathe.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
The attorney, Kathleen Martin, suggested a way to put money aside by establishing a trust "for the sole benefit" of Edward.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
Though you effort to present your case as a legal means to an end, I gave no legal permission to use my name with regard to such suggestion. At such point in time that John Palamar, Jr. had mentioned something to the effect of a refiling under John Palamar, Sr.'s estate, I had explained to John Palamar, Jr. that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania had failed to prove numerous charges against me and that he would be at serious risk by going to another concerning myself, and that I didn't think it prudent especially in regard to representing our common matron, Mary. I told him this vis-a-vis and via a telephone conversation. I told him that, unproven as the charges were, it was basically 'money in the bank' and that he should concern himself only with Mary Palamar being healed. Her concern is an understandable one given the nature of the duress. In effort that his thinking not be one-sided to the end of a free-for-all, I brought to light the admission of our common matron's statement that I could not survive without her. Although at the time she said that, I deemed it cruel, I was not aware then as I am now of the duress, nor was I aware of the duress when I mentioned this to John Palamar, Jr., though it seemed odd. That statement by Mary Palamar was in 2010 A.D., and my mention to John Palamar, Jr. was in 2011 A.D. It has only been since 2012 A.D. that I arrived at the conclusion that John Palamar, Jr.'s power of attorney was obtained through duress. Through the continued negation from John Palamar, Jr., as is also apparent in your letter, that there is anything miraculous coming Mary Palamar's way, it is easy to see such duress.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
To establish this trust, Edward needed to contact the law firm to have his disability status clarified and established for Social Security purposes.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
I really did see some form of effort in print with regard to a trust, but was negated with absurd fees that would continue to fall under the category of taxation without representation. I called this to mind to both my brother John Palamar, Jr. and the lawyers he had procured. There was an insistence from John Palamar, Jr. that the fees were legitimate, and only another bill from the lawyers. It was obvious to me that my mother was being taken, with myself being used as a pawn in their game. It was at that time I imposed a similar restitution in favor of both my mother and myself, excluding others involved until compliance. This shall remain. I find it appropriate to impose prudent restrictions on those who would overcharge and rob. It is a direct way of saying no to tyranny while still putting out a hand for future trust, and all this in a peaceful manner. To choose crime over peaceful solution is a bad decision. The criminal forfeits that trust both financially and socially. Though I have extended my hand in good faith, I may withdraw such nicety for good cause.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
Recall that John sent you a letter dated September 19, 2011, which described what you and Edward needed to do to enable you to put money aside for him.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
Given the condition of my mother, it is extremely bold and rude of you to expect her to settle the matter which you have presented as something "solely" for my benefit while greedy lawyers attempt to stuff their pockets with monies of which they are not entitled. John Palamar, Jr. proceeded on his own instincts, involving myself and others. At that point in time, she should be granted the rest her body requires. When I spoke with John Palamar, Jr. concerning the flagrant reality of this situation as regards undue remuneration, he asked, "What do you want me to do?" We were at an impasse, facing a seeming endless hole only to be filled according to the wills of others whose priorities were not the same as ours, and this hole was to be filled with our money. I assure you, I am more than willing to bless your pockets if you deserve it. And likewise, I am more than willing to curse your pockets if you don't.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
In addition, prior to the letter, John told you and Edward in person and in numerous telephone calls what needed to be done to carry out your wishes for Edward.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
This matter was settled in an e-mail on October 6, 2012 A.D. as regards both my mother and myself. The only need now is that you comply.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
Although you have both been repeatedly encouraged by John to take action, neither of you have cooperated with him and no action has been taken.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
Here again, this is not an accurate statement on your part. Given the time frames of events, such statement is also intimidating.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
John has expressed his frustration to me with this lack of cooperation.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
This only could have been before October 6, 2012 A.D. As of October 6, 2012 A.D., submission of adequate temporary funding was made, as was a continuance of blessing upon Mary Palamar. Although temporary, its adequacy is far more beneficial, and legal, unlike any other proposals until that time, and as regards yourself and other legal counsel, likewise.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
Rather than cooperate, Edward on two occasions went to the law offices, was disruptive and demanded the return of the fees paid to the law firm for the services they provided on your behalf.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
Here again, your statement is with flaws. When I saw how little regard both my brother John Palamar, Jr. and his acquired legal counsel had for both myself and my mother, I calmly went to the office in Pottstown and told them that due to their coldness, especially in regard to their non-compliance via John Palamar, Jr., neither my mother nor myself would be held responsible for payment to them. I told the receptionist, who seemed quite cognizant and calm, too, that the bills should be resubmitted to John Palamar, Jr. and that he should be solely responsible for payment as I had revoked his power of attorney due to his own domestic abuse, which has included actions to rob, tax, insult, and assault. This was valid and legal advice at the time, as it is now, it did not include any disruption nor demand, and neither has the law firm, inclusive to yourself, rendered any service. The second occasion was in Phoenixville to make known to the firm that they were committing conspiracy in John Palamar, Jr.'s unlawful tampering with Mary Palamar's mail. Neither John Palamar, Jr., nor his procured lawyers, are forgiven this trespass. It is your call if you wish to remain party to such crime, but, if you do, I can personally guarantee that you will punished.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
As a result, John has not been able to establish a trust for Edward.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
John Palamar, Jr.'s murder of John Palamar, Sr. is dishonest. John Palamar, Jr. apparently and evidently agreed with others to fabricate a lie concerning John Palamar, Sr. It is a lie accusing John Palamar, Sr. of treason without any legal evidence to back up the claim to any wrongdoing by John Palamar, Sr. as regards treason. John Palamar, Sr. is innocent of the crime of treason and was murdered by force. It is a force not authorized by myself. Those who have acted, are acting, and will act with John Palamar, Jr. in this regard are co-conspirators with John Palamar, Jr. in the crime of murder. Because there is shame brought upon the guilty, namely John Palamar, Jr., who have perpetrated this crime, John Palamar, Jr. does everything within his strength to avoid feeling the condemnation of his guilt. If this means a further crime, lie and/or murder, John Palamar, Jr. acts compulsively only to avoid the feeling he so abhors. At the time of John Palamar, Sr.'s death, John Palamar, Jr. became a penniless pauper at best, all of John Palamar, Jr.'s estate being only ill-gotten gain, equivalent to the 30 pieces of silver obtained by Judas Iscariot for betraying an innocent man (which led Iscariot to take his own life), and so it is for all who conspire with John Palamar, Jr. I have put the ultimatum to our common matron, Mary Palamar, as regards the blatant reality of the situation. If she agrees to do any business with John Palamar, Jr., she is acting as a co-conspirator with John Palamar, Jr. as regards the unjust death of John Palamar, Sr. I find Mary Palamar more to the liking not to do any further business with John Palamar, Jr. in this regard, but John Palamar, Jr. is insistant on placing his own mother under duress by repeatedly phoning and writing her about matters that John Palamar, Jr. thinks are safe ground for avoiding his shame. Among these matters is the ruse of establishing a trust for me, though he efforts openly to profess such a trust is in good intention. Via a phone conversation prior to, and in meeting with John Palamar, Jr. on March 2, 2012 A.D., it was made clear to him that both John Palamar, Jr. and myself are seeing eye-to-eye concerning the unjust murder of John Palamar, Sr. He understood that I phoned him on the evening of April 11, 2011 A.D. because Mary Palamar was near death and I thought it was prudent for him to come to her out of sheer respect. Launching a tirade in return over the phone instead during that same evening against me that "This is not about you, it is about your mother.", followed by shouts of "Hang up the phone. I'm through (done) talking with you." only serve to show the wrecklessness and abuse of my brother John Palamar, Jr. Our common matron, Mary Palamar, openly admitted concerning his poor behavior by simply stating to him, "You are not being fair.", yet John Palamar, Jr. was convinced that Mary Palamar was mentally incompetent all the while both Mary Palamar and myself knew that this was not so. As it was late in the evening, I understood that for John Palamar, Jr. to travel to Phoenixville from Ohio was a major vicissitude even though Mary Palamar had only arrived at her own impasse of not being able to stand and walk on her own. John Palamar, Jr.'s insistance on a birthday celebration for her had been no less a vicissitude. It was not a deliberate attempt on my part to return an inconvenience, but John Palamar, Jr. had not taken into account the difficulties he was imposing. At the meeting of March 2, 2012 A.D., it was also put on the table that no matter how well and/or good intentioned John Palamar, Jr. is concerning establishing a trust for me, as well as seeing our common matron, Mary Palamar, through her finances, the way in which John Palamar, Jr. had presented these matters were such that they are non-negotiable and that John Palamar, Jr., in writing, had shown that John Palamar, Jr., and only John Palamar, Jr. had the final say, and as so presented, show an undeniable tyranny from John Palamar, Jr., to which John Palamar, Jr. said, "I'll fight that." His domestic abuse outrage of April 11, 2011 A.D. was in like regard. Inasmuch as John Palamar, Jr. made mention of the fact that "This is not about you, it is about your mother.", it was also brought to discussion by me that perhaps some form of a converse of such a statement was true, and that he made such a statement to deflect from such a converse, specifically, that John Palamar, Sr. took a blow for either my mother and/or myself, and/or others, in his dying unto a punishment which was not legitimate, and that also such deflection was a front for not only his own self-gratification, but for doing further harm to our common matron, Mary Palamar and/or others. The bottom line for me is that John Palamar, Jr. hates me, and that in such hatred from John Palamar, Jr., any frustration as expressed to you is due to his own conduct, not mine. Likewise, a trust is a simple prayer away, which John Palamar, Jr. cannot do because of his hatred. It is understood that Mary Palamar has 'x' amount of dollars, and that if this 'x' is insufficient that we remain joyful, it is necessary that we pray, due to our own fallen, sinful nature. John Palamar, Jr. clings to his own fallen, sinful and hateful nature. This is the reason why John Palamar, Jr. cannot establish a trust for me. As a result, such is his condition that he cannot establish a trust for any one, including himself.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
He has been and will continue to use your available cash assets to pay St. Martha Manor until that money runs out.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
What has come to light concerning John Palamar, Jr. at the meeting of March 2, 2012 A.D. is the fact that John Palamar, Jr. has committed the murder of John Palamar, Sr. and that at the meeting of March 2, 2012 A.D. he was convicted of that murder by the Holy Spirit. Before the Gospel of Jesus Christ having come into the world, this meant that John Palamar, Jr. must be put to death according to the law. Since the Gospel of Jesus Christ having come into the world, we are ordered that he be forgiven, as when we were yet sinners, God forgave us, so must we forgive each other. It remains for the community at large to do so. Granting John Palamar, Jr. accolades to which he is undeserved will not accomplish either. Such accolades include a total denial of the sin committed and/or any furtherances of that same denial, inclusive to further sin, for with each continuance of further sin and/or denial, there necessitates a further conviction of such infraction. John Palamar, Jr. had at one time admitted to his sinful nature via a conversation mostly presented by our common brother David Palamar at table c. 1967. David had precluded any words directly from John Palamar, Jr.'s mouth that he (David) and John had hashed things out concerning the content of one of the Epistles of St. Paul, alluding to the discourse given by Apostle Paul with regard to the sinfulness of the flesh in man, and such sinfulness being in opposition to the glory of the spirit put into man by God. John Palamar, Jr. agreed that this was so. Not long after that 1967 meeting, John attempted to joke via the telephone saying, "What, no Penance?" The weak confession by John Palamar, Jr. and such seeming predisposition for mirth does not exclude him from forgiveness, but it rather serves to show his weakness of heart and how sin entered. But not all things come to us with such weakness, and mainly here, I mean the conviction of the Holy Spirit. In light of this, and here again, due to the revoking of John Palamar, Jr.'s power of attorney, your statement is with great flaw. Through that same Holy Spirit, it has been shown that there is now dedicated funding for Mary Palamar specifically for St. Martha Manor as regards payment and that tampering with her personal checking account constitutes an act of robbery. Due to the weakness of John Palamar, Jr.'s heart and the strength of his argument, his rage on the evening of April 11, 2011 A.D. comes across to the listener as an act of terror, carrying with it sudden and lingering affects of debilitation, which is why it has taken some extra time for the manifestation of this dedicated funding. But as of October 6, 2011 A.D., such tampering cannot be deemed lawful. There is even the necessity to undo the damage done by John Palamar, Jr.'s tirade on the evening of April 11, 2011 A.D. This includes a refund to me of two checks written by me under the further duress caused by John Palamar, Jr.'s outburst of April 11, 2011 A.D. This is by no means an invitation to take advantage of John Palamar, Jr., nor our family. Turning the Penance factor over to God has shown that over the past twelve years since the murder of John Palamar, Sr., God, Himself, has visited John Palamar, Jr.'s crime against our parent in the affliction of John Palamar, Jr.'s grandchild. What you support in your writing is robbery as of October 6, 2011 A.D.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
There will be no money set aside for Edward.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
As of this and previous writings beginning October 6, 2011 A.D., this seeming anomaly has been amended to supply sufficient funding withstanding your proposed and in vitro robbery. I hold the first sum in escrow so that any tampering without my approval is void. There have been other sums added since October 6, 2011 A.D. which I also hold in escrow with the same power.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
In addition, John has told me of the need to sell your home at 463 Nutt Road, Phoenixville, Pennsylvania 19460.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
This is based on the combined hatred of at least both John Palamar, Jr. and Gerry Mahon as of the meeting of March 2, 2012 A.D. Such hatred constitutes a crime against the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as well. To this hatred I may add the terrorism by T. Lehman of East Pikeland Police operated
by the further machinations of John Palamar, Jr. There has also been a thorough smattering of embezzlement along the way since April 11, 2011 A.D., inclusive to the overall tenor of this, your letter of April 25, 2012 A.D.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
You have told him that you understand your home needs to be sold since Edward does not have sufficient monthly income and will be unable to pay the monthly bills or expenses to maintain the home.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
This statement is an open admission of your conspiracy in embezzlement, and unto the very one who has ultimately trusted you to act fairly on her behalf, even though it be through her son. I suppose you have a house full of little nazis running around waiting for their chance to rob you in return. Either way, you still have time to own up to the fact that even our money comes from Heaven and that God is a more gracious client than your cohort John Palamar, Jr.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
John contacted a realtor to begin the process of selling the home.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
The word is embezzled, not contacted. As to selling, my days of living in the shadow of your embezzlement and that of John Palamar, Jr.'s are over. The only process the two of you will be experiencing is the restitution you must make in compensation.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
The realtor inspected the home with John and your sons, David and Edward.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
I allowed people into my residence as an act of kindness. The realtor was embezzled by yourself and John Palamar, Jr. into thinking that the prospect of a sale was real. You owe her an apology, as you do my mother, Sgt. Goggin, my brother David, and myself, as does John Palamar, Jr. and Gerry Mahon.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
The realtor agreed to list and market the home for sale.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
She did not agree as she was embezzled, which is why I hold both you and John Palamar, Jr. responsible for not only the embezzlement and any repercussion, but the attempt to sell something which is not within your legal domain to do so.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
Before the realtor could begin her work, Edward called her and caused her to fear for her safety.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
She has only been an innocent victim of your and John Palamar, Jr.'s embezzlement. This is justifiable cause for her to sue you for every cent you have, and then some. She showed no signs of fear and told me she would take care of the inconvenient and unnecessary problem you caused both for her, myself and others. And all this trouble you've caused with John Palamar, Jr. because you are a pair of butt-fucking bastards. For the record, I am at liberty to contact her at any time because I have chosen to stand up against vicious, intimidating, lying scumbags like yourself. She is also a victim of your foul judgment of her. I'll mention that to her king if I decide to speak with him about it. I can assure you that you'll have more than a tongue lashing to fear.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
As a result of Edward's threatening call to the realtor, she called the police.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
I made no threat, posed no inconvenience, and we parted friends. It was what I mentioned earlier that got your and John Palamar, Jr.'s filthy butt-fucking asses into deeper shit, viz., another lie to avoid the shame coming your way from your willingness to commit multiple felonies in conspiracy. You do have T. Lehman and Sgt. Goggin to fear, as does John Palamar, Jr., but the realtor doesn't in this regard, neither does my brother David, Gerry Mahon, and/or myself. The envy which both you and John Palamar, Jr. are given from above as a consequence of such dishonesty serves to the better end of conviction because you have treated a serious matter with contempt.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
The police went to the home and advised Edward that he would be arrested if he had any contact with the realtor in the future.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
Embezzled as he was by terrorists, viz. you and John Palamar, Jr., his actions could only be as fruitless as those leading him, viz. John Palamar, Jr. and yourself. Lehman is still quite the prick for banging on my door either way, bothering my neighbors as well. He spoke nothing of arrest. It is quite convicting in itself that when bigots like yourself and John Palamar, Jr. resort to violence in your hatreds, you cannot achieve your desired goal. What you would have had to have had for T. Lehman to use the word "arrest" was justifiable legal reason for him to do so as a sworn officer of the court. You had none, so you could not pass any on to him. So, instead, you used powers of enticement and embezzlement, both crimes in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to entice him to riot, also a crime. He has valid reason to sue both you and John Palamar, Jr. into compliance. As arresting me without any legal reason has been shown to be a penchant in print and in meeting at St. Martha Manor by both you and John Palamar, Jr., I am serving both of you, and any accomplices, with eviction notices as to the grounds of St. Martha Manor and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. This includes any further contact with Mary Palamar. You will be subject to the terms of my e-mail of October 6, 2011 A.D. and any further legal fees from me, inclusive to full payment for Mary Palamar as a resident of St. Martha Manor until her age of 120. Both of you shall supply restitution through Phoenixville Federal Bank and Trust to her personal checking account which both Mary Palamar and myself used to pay bills in 2011 A.D. in the amount of $40,000,000.00. I have added that amount to her credit and retain sole authorization as to the distribution of that funding.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
The realtor subsequently advised John that because of safety concerns, she could not list and market the home to prospective buyers as long as Edward lives there.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
There are no prospective buyers because my home is not for you to sell.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
You have told John that you would not ask Edward to leave the home.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
My home is my legal residence from which you are also being evicted.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
Therefore, as a result of the above, this is what will likely happen :
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
I assure you, it won't.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
At your current rate of spending, your cash assets will be run out in 3-5 months.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
I hope you like to paint.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
The home is in need of repair, painting and cleaning.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
I hope you like to repair and clean, too.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
If your cash assets are used for these purposes, the cash will run-out even sooner.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
Your work release program provides for such excesses.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
You will need to make application for Medicaid, to provide for your continued care at St. Martha Manor.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
As of July 16, 2012 A.D., the Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, I am signing and supplying St. Martha Manor with a check for $3,285,000.00. You'll have to wait at least until June 25, 2041 A.D. to try and sell her your Medicaid again.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
This must be done at least two months before your cash assets are depleted.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
You can only settle any details concerning her cash assets through me.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
That means that you need to make application for Medicaid now.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
You are quite the salesman, Chris, but currently we are not buying. I am willing to write off the national debt, but there are some things which need to be done for such payment. The first of these is to withdraw all troops of the armed forces of the United States of America from the two nations against which it is warring, with an apology to both nations. Medicaid will conform to the outline of my e-mail of October 6, 2011 A.D., viz., no more swindling of widows and their families to the likes of vicious nazis as yourself. This is to be done under the Presidency of John Palamar, Jr. and the concurrent Vice-Presidency of David Palamar. This is imposed. All payment due to said offices shall begin immediately to John Palamar, Jr., President of the United States of America, and David Palamar, Vice-President of the United States of America.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
Once you begin to receive Medicaid, your Social Security and pension benefits will be paid directly to St. Martha Manor.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
My mother will not be a victim of your flights of fancy.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
Medicaid will put a lien (like a mortgage) on your home to recoup any money that Medicaid pays for your care.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
Medicaid will conform to my e-mail of October 6, 2011 A.D.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
This money will be repaid at the time the home sells.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
My home is not for sale.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
When you go on Medicaid, you will have no money to pay the ongoing monthly expenses, taxes, or maintenance of the home.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
Which is the reason why Medicaid will conform to my e-mail of October 6, 2011 A.D.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
You also will have no money to pay for property and liability insurance on the home.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
I am holding you bound for such things as you deem so necessary.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
Utilities such as electric, water, gas, telephone, cable etc. services will be turned off due to non-payment.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
Not so long as you live and breathe.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
If the taxes are not paid, the County will ultimately force the sale of the home to satisfy the unpaid taxes.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
The County owes me a minimum minimum of $197,392,000.00, a minimum mean of $206,794,666.66, a minimum maximum of $221,568,000.00, a maximum minimum of $394,784,000.00, a maximum mean of $414,589,333.33, or a maximum maximum of $413,589,333.33. As it is after May 14, 2012 A.D., the minimum maximum and maximum maximum need only apply. This is for refusal of the County to accept/receive payment.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
When the house is sold at tax sale, the balance of the money from the sale will be paid to Medicaid, as previously stated.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
The house cannot be sold as the County owes me. It has been over two months since the County's infraction and you only propose felony. It remains my sole decision whether to sell the house or not, and you remain bound for such payment as written here.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
Because of your refusal to have Edward move out of the home, his behavior and lack of cooperation with the law firm that recommended a way to shelter money for him, John believes that he has done all that he can do to help you with these two issues.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
The only refusal was yours in not accepting/receiving payment of County taxes upon my home. You have forfeited your right to collect and owe me in return.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
Also, he does not want to seek a court order to force either you or Edward to cooperate, since doing so will involve additional legal costs and expenses that will simply take what little money remains away from your care.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
No court will honor your plea of force of robbery, neither will I.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
Based on these facts, it is very important that you understand that John has come to the conclusion that there is nothing more that he can do regarding your home.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
Our common sire, John Palamar, Sr., told me of John Palamar, Jr., "When I tell him to do something about the house, he's out the door." and "If he gets his hands on this check book, you're through." Though you present what could seemingly pass as a penitential agreement, it is only the remorse I have seen in my brother's eyes that gives any sanctity to your notion of facts.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
In addition, as a result of Edward's behavior and lack of cooperation, John can no longer assist you in any manner for Edward's benefit, since John cannot stop Edward from making bad decisions.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
I will not cooperate in your murdering an innocent man, nor in your depriving widows of their due.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
Therefore, I am hereby advising you that John will no longer accept responsibility under your power of attorney for anything concerning your home or your desires concerning Edward's care.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
John Palamar, Jr.'s power of attorney was revoked on October 6, 2011 A.D., as was your serving in any legal capacity, advice or otherwise for Mary Palamar.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
As such, John is only going to act as your power-of-attorney on very limited matters such as receiving and paying your bills until all of your cash assets are depleted.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
John Palamar, Jr. and yourself are committing an act of robbery which I do not forgive. I have placed John Palamar, Jr. at the forefront of American politics so that the burden of your crime be made manifest.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
To be clear, you will now have the sole responsibility of dealing with Edward and the disposition of your home.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
She has always had such privlege and will continue to enjoy said same.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
Also, you will now need to complete the application for Medicaid.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
No one has need of Medicaid except as that outlined in my e-mail of October 6, 2011 A.D.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
Although John is listed as the responsible party for your benefit while you are in St. Martha Manor, he will also not assist you in completing the application because this may include dealing with Edward.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
This is open refusal to comply with the original terms of power of attorney. As such, my decision to revoke said power of attorney is of better judgment, for you would not honor such agreement.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
John has no intentions of being involved with Edward in any way.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
A wave from John Palamar, Jr. on the morning of June 25, 1956 betrays the veracity of your statement and is justifiable cause for John Palamar, Jr. to sue you due to your imposed duress.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
Therefore, it will be important for you to obtain assistance from another person to help complete the Medicaid application.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
Any harassment to Mary Palamar regarding non-compliance with my e-mail of October 6, 2011 A.D. will be returned.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
There may be a social worker at St. Martha's Manor to assist, or you can request the assistance of an accountant or attorney.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
Thusfar, there seems to be such a person at St. Martha Manor. (N.B. - St. Martha Manor, not St. Martha's Manor) But as your eviction serves to protect those there, the name of that person will remain undisclosed to you.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
In closing, you need to understand the serious nature of these matters.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
You would do well in coming to such an understanding yourself.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
John will continue to exercise his limited power of attorney in such areas as receiving and paying your bills until all of your cash assets are depleted.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
Both you and John Palamar, Jr. live within the trapped environment you have created in your greed. You are like microbes under a microscope thinking that the whole world centers around you. Neither John Palamar, Jr., nor yourself, have had any legal representation for Mary Palamar. John Palamar, Jr. is her son, and you are her son's sucker, nothing more.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
However, if you feel that John is no longer meeting your needs as power-of-attorney, you have a right to tell John to give up his duties as your power-of-attorney, and then you can appoint an alternate power-of-attorney to take over.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
A man after a woman's heart. How touching. But you now have it laid on the line for you, my greedy embezzlers. As his power of attorney as outlined is permanently revoked, it was never valid from the start. You both live in delusion.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
You should speak with your own lawyer about that issue.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
As if you are one.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
Not dealing with these issues may create legal or tax problems for you.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
Certainly never to be as great as yours.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
If you have any questions about the content of my letter, you may call me at my office.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
I have dealt with your issues fairly, unlike yourself. As to your office, it's called a prison cell until I come up with one better.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
My direct dial number is 610-458-0896.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
Well, bully for you, but you don't deserve it.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
However, I cannot give you any legal advice, since I have been hired by John to give him advice.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
Your entire letter is advice based on your own conflagrated estimation of yourself.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
You should therefore obtain legal advice from your own lawyer.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
Maybe she can buy some lemonade from your stand, too.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
If you do not have a lawyer or cannot afford one, you can phone the Chester County Bar Association to find out where you can get legal help and possibly to receive those services free of charge. The number for the Bar Association is 610-692-1889.
Edward Palamar, son and attorney for Mary Palamar writes :
The lemonade sounds better.
Christopher H. Schubert writes :
Very truly yours,