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 July 26, 2012 A.D.

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Age : 68
Location : Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, USA

July 26, 2012 A.D. Empty
PostSubject: July 26, 2012 A.D.   July 26, 2012 A.D. EmptyThu Sep 19, 2019 5:26 pm

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit :

John Palamar, Jr. says :

Susan, I had a telephone conversation with Mary and at the start of our call Mary informed me that she was going back to 463 Nutt Road.

Edward Palamar says :

She has a right to think positively.  What you don't have is a right to opine and criticize her for such thinking.  That is mental abuse, and she only puts up with such abuses from you out of the kindness of her heart.  She bears your hatred of prayer, others, and settling matters in a peaceful manner quite well.

John Palamar, Jr. says :

I know that part of her motivation is that once she goes on Medicaid in the very near future Edward will not have her Social Security check to live on.

Edward Palamar says :

Your brainwashing techniques aren't going to work on me as long as I stand firm in my revoking your power of attorney in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  The first and foremost reason of my decision to do so is because of the abusive manner in which you spoke to her over the telephone on the evening of April 11, 2011 A.D., let alone myself.  Your efforts to promote both her and my mental instability only serve to show the hideous side of your character.  As long as I have lived at 463 Nutt Road I have efforted to treat everyone with a modicum of respect, even now as you commit felony against me concerning my prayer and needs.  In this regard, you also commit such felony against your own mother.  Mary Palamar's Social Security check and her personal checking account are not items of conversation in which you may indulge, not even for committing further robbery, for which I hold you bound, as you have not acted in her best interests.  Trying to deflect your flaw of character upon her and others around you isn't going to work either.  The more you try to embezzle Medicaid as a program for which Mary Palamar is a candidate, the more you fight my prayer and needs, as well as those of Mary Palamar.  It is a felony to interfere with a religious service.  Standing up to your onslaughts from the usual frivolous contempt to outspoken terrorism has only brought convictions to such abhorrent behavior.  My mind is full of things you could have done in place of the tyranny you espouse.  Our mother's mind is no different, and this is all brought on by the fact that you refuse to obey her.  You say this is not about me, that it is about our mother, but your actions betray those very words.  Her motivation is based on the fact that I have stood up to your tyranny, not only at 463 Nutt Road, but at St. Martha Manor as well.

John Palamar, Jr. says :

I told her than if that is what see wanted and Saint Martha Manor would release her she should standup, walk out and go back to Phoenixville.

Edward Palamar says :

This is still an emergency situation.  Mary Palamar has every right to get up and walk home if God so allows it, she doesn't need your permission nor anyone else's as regards this.

John Palamar, Jr. says :

I also told her that once she got back to 463 Nutt Road and found out that she did not have the care she needed she would not be able to get back into Saint Martha Manor.

Edward Palamar says :

If she is so healed that she can walk well again, having proper care will not be an issue.

John Palamar, Jr. says :

I also told her that I would not assist her in any way if she checked herself out and it would be up to her and Edward to deal with her situation.

Edward Palamar says :

You've only assisted her to the point that she couldn't walk, the remainder of your conduct has been a bi-polar tirade.

John Palamar, Jr. says :

Mary told me that she would pray to Jesus and Jesus would take care of her when went back to 463.

Edward Palamar says :

Though you may not see it, John, she is actually reaching out to you in a positive way.

John Palamar, Jr. says :

This is the same delusional boloney that I have been getting from Edward regarding Mary's illness for the past 15 months and frankly I am at the end of my rope with her and Edward.

Edward Palamar says :

Though you effort to treat death vis-a-vis, death has overcome you in such a statement.  For you, there is no hope.  But Christ has taken the frivolous fussiness of St. Martha and turned it into a hopeful promise.  I pray that he does the same for you.

John Palamar, Jr. says :

Bottom line Susan, I think the time pass long passed for Mary Palamar and Edward Palamar to be told definitively, by someone on the staff at Saint Martha Manor, that Mary cannot go back to 463 Nutt Road under any circumstances given poor health and psychical condition.

Edward Palamar says :

You are looking for support in your stance of desparation.  I have noticed that mom tries to joke about her condition, it seems to help her cope with the way things are.  If you don't remain firm in the possibility of her being healed, you are but a monkey on her back.  Let her mention the finality of things.  Speaking of delusional baloney and its constant repetition, you were verbally beyond what one could call the end of ones rope those same fifteen months ago, and you were wrong then.  You haven't changed, why should she?

John Palamar, Jr. says :

Sorry I need to trouble you with this but the delusional thinking is way out of control and is having an effect on Mary, in my opinion.

Edward Palamar says :

You don't need to trouble anyone with anything, so don't.

John Palamar, Jr. says :

I thought I might get some help with the situation after my one hour conversation with Dr. Mele from Catholic Clinical Consultants but so far there has been no follow-up telephone call from anyone at their organization.

Edward Palamar says :

Don't expect a Catholic to despair, it is not something under Christ's advisement.

John Palamar, Jr. says :

Please let me know how the situation is resolved. Thank you. John Palamar, Jr., POA 

Edward Palamar says :

What John Palamar, Jr. calls delusional thinking is based on his own rationale that we all don't go around butchering, embezzling, mail tampering, murdering and robbing as he does.  John Palamar, Jr.'s idea of healing is clouded with his own thoughts on how others should be treated on an overall scale, specifically, as one would treat a herd of cattle.  I haven't heard his "He/she/they oughta be shot" remark pass his lips for quite a while, though he did manage to belt out an equivalent in his terroristic threat of March 2, 2012 A.D. in the conference room.

He has a predilection to pedophilic treatment of police which he reverts upon his family in the form of aggression.

John Palamar, Jr. is a giant ball of fire rolling endlessly into hell.  He considers himself beyond reproach and never in need of apologizing.  Bringing his own mother to tears seems like his idea of a picnic.

More details at :

Edward Palamar,
the resurrected Prophet of the Most High,
St. John the Baptist,
whom Jesus Christ calls "the Elias who was to come",
enjoying the rapture of Christ's love in the duty of Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman),
your ultimate, penultimate authority.

From: "John Palamar, Jr."
To: Susan Zynn  
Cc: Dave Palamar ; Edward Palamar ; Maureen Reisinger  
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2012 6:49 AM

Susan, I had a telephone conversation with Mary and at the start of our call Mary informed me that she was going back to 463 Nutt Road.  I know that part of her motivation is that once she goes on Medicaid in the very near future Edward will not have her Social Security check to live on.  I told her than if that is what see wanted and Saint Martha Manor would release her she should standup, walk out and go back to Phoenixville.  I also told her that once she got back to 463 Nutt Road and found out that she did not have the care she needed she would not be able to get back into Saint Martha Manor.  I also told her that I would not assist her in any way if she checked herself out and it would be up to her and Edward to deal with her situation.  Mary told me that she would pray to Jesus and Jesus would take care of her when went back to 463.  This is the same delusional boloney that I have been getting from Edward regarding Mary's illness for the past 15 months and frankly I am at the end of my rope with her and Edward.  Bottom line Susan, I think the time pass long passed for Mary Palamar and Edward Palamar to be told definitively, by someone on the staff at Saint Martha Manor, that Mary cannot go back to 463 Nutt Road under any circumstances given poor health and psychical condition.  Sorry I need to trouble you with this but the delusional thinking is way out of control and is having an effect on Mary, in my opinion.  I thought I might get some help with the situation after my one hour conversation with Dr. Mele from Catholic Clinical Consultants but so far there has been no follow-up telephone call from anyone at their organization.  Please let me know how the situation is resolved.  Thank you. John Palamar, Jr., POA
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July 26, 2012 A.D.
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