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Risen - from - the - Dead : Resurrected and Raptured

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 Effects of false imprisonment

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Posts : 724
Join date : 2011-02-25
Age : 68
Location : Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, USA

Effects of false imprisonment Empty
PostSubject: Effects of false imprisonment   Effects of false imprisonment EmptySat Aug 27, 2016 8:05 pm

At the time of this ambush, I was enduring a false imprisonment at Chester County Prison in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  Part of my testimony bore witness to the ambush of my parents, one which died during the false imprisonment and that ambush occurred back on October 1, 1955 A.D., yet "we the people" and "we the prosecution" did not share in the presiding judge's sympathy which he showed me.  The nation is in rebellion, and the rebellion includes local law enforcement particular to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  If such rebellious citizens, no matter what their rank, do not forgive, how can they expect to be forgiven?  Be assured, they are not forgiven and will reap what they sow.

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Posts : 724
Join date : 2011-02-25
Age : 68
Location : Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, USA

Effects of false imprisonment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Effects of false imprisonment   Effects of false imprisonment EmptyFri Dec 02, 2016 5:45 pm

The part about Obama attacking Israel happened on October 1, 2012 A.D. when Sgt. Robert Sutton of the Phoenixville Police Department in Chester County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania attacked, in the name of President Obama, the king of Israel. When Sgt. Robert Sutton took the stand during trial, that lying, piece of shit, nazi asshole Sutton committed perjury (as did one Nathan Miller of the Caln Police Department). And so it is for the rest of the greedy, asswipe, shits for brains citizens of the United States of America whose only legal protection is my charging it with two counts of obstruction of justice.
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Effects of false imprisonment
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Risen - from - the - Dead : Resurrected and Raptured :: Chester County Prison (CCP) :: Incarceration of November 8, 2012 A.D. to October 7, 2014 A.D. (continuing)-
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