Risen - from - the - Dead : Resurrected and Raptured
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Risen - from - the - Dead : Resurrected and Raptured

For Christ's Resurrected and Raptured Saints : The Elect : We look for the resurrection of the dead
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 Letter to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

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Age : 68
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Letter to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Empty
PostSubject: Letter to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II   Letter to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II EmptyFri Nov 06, 2015 8:35 am

To :
Her Majesty the Queen
Buckingham Palace
London SW1A 1AA

Your Majesty : Dear Queen Lady :

The Day of the Lord (Malachi 4:5) is Ascension Sunday, May 8, 2016 A.D.  It is the 1,335th day of which is written in Daniel 12:12 : "Blessed is he who waits and comes unto 1,335 days."

That this Day should come upon us without a reverent treatment of it is paramount to self-destruction.

There is a directory concerning such reverence at : https://risen-from-the-dead.forumotion.com/ entitled "The Day of the Lord Cruise to the Mount of Olives and the Holy Land", where you may respond directly, no registration is necessary to do so there.

Details include the use of the Queen Mary II for a maximum duration of 100 days beginning February 22, 2016 A.D.

I am requesting ordering the cooperation and attendance of the Crown and the port of Southhampton in preparing for this once in eternity, most challenging, and difficult meeting.

First bring the Queen Mary II into Southhampton and begin any refurbishing that can be completed for its arrival at its normal place of boarding at New York harbor for February 22, 2016 A.D. Stock her with enough food, beverage, and victuals for its maximum duration of the Cruise, including (the extra) enough for (the extra) time to and from New York.  Be on board (alone with staff) February 22, 2016 A.D. for my greeting you.

your king
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Letter to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
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