Risen - from - the - Dead : Resurrected and Raptured
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Risen - from - the - Dead : Resurrected and Raptured

For Christ's Resurrected and Raptured Saints : The Elect : We look for the resurrection of the dead
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 Century II : #97

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Posts : 724
Join date : 2011-02-25
Age : 68
Location : Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, USA

Century II : #97 Empty
PostSubject: Century II : #97   Century II : #97 EmptySat Sep 05, 2015 9:15 am

Roman Pontiff beware of approaching
The city that two rivers flow through,
Near there your blood will come to spurt, 
You and yours when the rose will flourish.

This occurred c. 1966.

I was first at the butt end of a revolver back in 1955 A.D. (while I was in the third womb, all three chosen solely by God Himself).  As the prophecy of Daniel states, "his heart shall be stirred".  That same revolver was a basic menace to my life until the time I had my right shoulder blown out with a sawed-off shotgun not long after spitting that blood as stated back in this quatrain from the 1500's.  At times I was told, as a minor, to use it, and I did.  I didn't know who actually shot me that first time until the evening of April 11, 2011 A.D.  They say a criminal always comes back to the place of his crime.  In this case, it panned out just that way.

But as for lying in a cell and having someone come to the gate and shoot a ten year old with a .45 automatic into the thorax, then have the bullet ricochet off the wall back through said same thorax, I was carried out spitting blood. (and some c.30 miles from a major city which is watered by two rivers)
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