Risen - from - the - Dead : Resurrected and Raptured
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Risen - from - the - Dead : Resurrected and Raptured

For Christ's Resurrected and Raptured Saints : The Elect : We look for the resurrection of the dead
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 Chat at www.holyspiritspeaks.org

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Posts : 724
Join date : 2011-02-25
Age : 68
Location : Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, USA

Chat at www.holyspiritspeaks.org Empty
PostSubject: Chat at www.holyspiritspeaks.org   Chat at www.holyspiritspeaks.org EmptyThu Jan 25, 2018 10:58 am

The Church of Almighty God

Brothers and sisters, peace in the Lord! Welcome to the website of Gospel of the Descent of Kingdom. The Lord Jesus once promised us, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to myself; that where I am, there you may be also” (Jhn 14:3). Do you know how these words of the Lord will become fulfilled and accomplished? When the Lord comes to take us, will you be able to receive the Lord? We look forward to your message.

The sign of the Son of Man in Heaven was here.


Welcome to our website

That is a fairly quick response from it.

wow, glad to see you here, dear friend

I've been doing search and rescue as regards "the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven" from Matthew 24:30.

I've been to hundred of sites, the search returns millions.

This is sister Bella in US, thank God,


have you found the answer?

Most sites to which I've been, that teach regarding the sign of the Son of Man, don't make the connection that that "sign" is actually Jesus' own angel sent to prepare His way.

We are testifying God's end time work on website, welcome true seekers to follow God's footsteps

Though you state you are sister Bella, all the output thusfar from this site via this chat module could be from a computer program.

The unsealing of the Book of Daniel was so sealed that it could not have been opened were it not the end time.

Also called "the time of the end".

Amen, now the little scroll has been opened by the christ of the last days

have you watched the video on our website named "about us"

That happened in public court in the spring of 2013 A.D.


oh, what do you mean, dear friend

I read the initial paragraph regarding Jesus' return; my experiences are very much like that. They seem to have more meaning sometimes in hindsight.

One in particular during the summer of 2011 A.D. was very strong as regards such a descent.

Basically, we have needed Christ to ascend, which is a setting free of its own, but even in Jesus' coming back to us, the Ascension does not cease.

So the actual descent is due to Christ's return.

amen, bro, have you seen this video
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