Risen - from - the - Dead : Resurrected and Raptured
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Risen - from - the - Dead : Resurrected and Raptured

For Christ's Resurrected and Raptured Saints : The Elect : We look for the resurrection of the dead
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 Century III : Quatrain 65 : tomb of great Roman found

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Century III : Quatrain 65 : tomb of great Roman found Empty
PostSubject: Century III : Quatrain 65 : tomb of great Roman found   Century III : Quatrain 65 : tomb of great Roman found EmptyThu Mar 03, 2016 8:55 pm

III : 65

When the sepulcher of the great Roman is found,
The day after a Pontiff will be elected:
Scarcely will he be approved by the Senate
Poisoned, his blood in the sacred chalice.

There are two related quatrains VI:66 and IX:84.

There are 65 days remaining until the Day of the Lord (Daniel 12:12); the 2,300th day of Daniel 8:14 is Saturday, December 29, 2018 A.D.

I am of the understanding that I stood before this great Roman, Pontius Pilate, resurrected as he is, in the Chester County Court of Common Pleas in the first half of 2013 A.D.

VI : 66

At the foundation of the new sect,
The bones of the great Roman will be found,
A sepulcher covered by marble will appear,
Earth to quake in April poorly buried.

IX : 84

The King exposed will complete the slaughter,
After having discovered his origin:
Torrent to open the tomb of marble and lead,
Of a great Roman with Medusine device.
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Century III : Quatrain 65 : tomb of great Roman found
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