Risen - from - the - Dead : Resurrected and Raptured
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Risen - from - the - Dead : Resurrected and Raptured

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 Century IX : #36

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Posts : 724
Join date : 2011-02-25
Age : 68
Location : Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, USA

Century IX : #36 Empty
PostSubject: Century IX : #36   Century IX : #36 EmptyWed Dec 16, 2015 10:24 pm

IX : 36
A great King taken by the hands of a young man,
Not far from Easter confusion knife thrust:
Everlasting captive times what lightning on the top,
When three brothers will wound each other and murder.

The young man in this quatrain remains to pan out as Theodore Michaels of District Court 15-02-1 in Chester County, PA.

That his attack has continued into the First Year of the Judgment is quite possibly linked to his efforts to have his son exonerated from being a victim of the racketeering prevalent in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania spearheaded by Sgts. Goggin and Sutton, et. al., of the Phoenixville Police Department. (in terms of assault by firearm, the racketeering charge has its basis in the attack of October 1, 1955 A.D. when the .22 caliber weapon was turned upon not only a single victim, but multiple victims; in terms of vehicular crime, it begins with the theft of John Palamar, Sr.'s vehicle that same evening and the later actions of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania against both him and myself)

The "everlasting captive(s)" is reference to the parable of the sheep and the goats, where the wicked are thrown into eternal hell fire; and the quatrain about "body in the fire".

The three brothers are the first three kings of Persia foretold in Daniel 11:2; they have, tragically and basically, murdered each other.

This is the last possible Easter (March 27, 2016 A.D.) to which this quatrain can refer.

The actual knife thrust occurred ca. 1961 A.D. in Chester County Prison (Commonwealth of Pennsylvania).

I have found that this knife thrust is linked to another quatrain, one referencing two duels :


In terms of kingship and the actual assailant, however, it is the first king of Persia in the group of the three kings of Persia foretold in Daniel 11:2 who has been in charge of the whole 'operation', only being superceded by the negligence of District Court 15-02-1 on November 8, 2012 A.D. in rape against my person.

As late as a phone call in the autumn of 2011 A.D. with said king, John Palamar, Jr., of Westlake, OH, he made oral iteration to me that he was "the king".

John Palamar, Jr. is still in the process of rising up in the estate of his murder victims : John Palamar, Sr., Mary Palamar, and Robert Palamar.

But the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is also involved to the point that at least these three are murder victims of and by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as well.




The whole matter has included occasions of putting me to death and seizing my property in plunder, in short, robbery.

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Posts : 724
Join date : 2011-02-25
Age : 68
Location : Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, USA

Century IX : #36 Empty
PostSubject: O Jesus, King of All Nations, May Your Reign Be Recognized On Earth!   Century IX : #36 EmptyTue Aug 23, 2016 9:31 pm

The murder of victim Donald J. Erb, proprietor of Donald J. Erb's Sporting Goods, Phoenixville, PA, took place ca. 1964 A.D. via those three kings, my three older brothers, who each were involved as they all used the gun they stole from Donald's store in crimes.
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Posts : 724
Join date : 2011-02-25
Age : 68
Location : Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, USA

Century IX : #36 Empty
PostSubject: This reply given after the Second Easter post Daniel 8:14   Century IX : #36 EmptyThu Jun 11, 2020 5:08 pm

First Easter of the Judgment only works if one proceeds from the beginning of the war of Century IV:95 to be September 12, 2012 A.D., then the following Easter pans out via when Chester County Court of Common Pleas seized me.

This comment entered during the week of the Second Sunday of Pentecost, 2020 A.D. after the Second Easter of the Judgment with regard to the cleansing period of Daniel 8:14 which ended after December 29, 2018 A.D.
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