Risen - from - the - Dead : Resurrected and Raptured
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Risen - from - the - Dead : Resurrected and Raptured

For Christ's Resurrected and Raptured Saints : The Elect : We look for the resurrection of the dead
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 Century X : #35

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Posts : 724
Join date : 2011-02-25
Age : 68
Location : Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, USA

Century X : #35 Empty
PostSubject: Century X : #35   Century X : #35 EmptySat Sep 05, 2015 6:17 pm

X : 35

The younger son of the king flagrant in burning lust
To enjoy his first cousin:
Female attire in the Temple of Artemis,
Going to be murdered by the unknown one of Maine.

also rendered :

The younger son of a king flagrant
with burning lust to enjoy his first cousin.
Women's attire in the temple of Diana
going to be murdered by the unknown man from Marne.

The first cousin is the twin sister, Patricia (Patti) Ann Nord, to the King of France's (Joseph Patrick Nord) son (Joseph Patrick, Jr.) murdered in another quatrain, viz. VIII:32, "French king, beware of your nephew who will do so much that your only son will be murdered while making his vows to Venus; accompanied at night by three and six."

David Palamar stabbed the King of France's wife, Anna Popovich Nord, in the evening when he was about 6 years of age.

Before he did that, he made a statement to me along the lines of that in his so doing he was performing something of an initiation.

Later when I had turned 10 again, Dave, who said "we" were going to test my sainthood, put it to me to shoot our older brother Robert.  At that time everyone in the room (cf., the three and six) could have stopped the shooting.  The only one who efforted to do so was Nicholas de Prospero, "Gloria Olivae" from the St. Malachy Prophecy.  Others in the room included Carole Perambo, Linda Kuhnle, Gerry Mahon, and John Palamar, Jr.

The unknown man from Maine/Marne is the Troop J dispatcher at the Pennsylvania State Police Barrack at Embreeville, PA., who efforted to cover for his homocide against John Palamar, Sr. when I went to the Barrack at Embreeville in search of my vehicles which have been stolen by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania via (Sgt.) Robert Sutton of the Phoenixville Police Department.  His effort, besides hiding behind a glass curtain and his 'job', was his use of his words, "you're entitled to your opinion".  This confrontation by him occurred during the winter of 2014 A.D. through 2015 A.D.

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