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Risen - from - the - Dead : Resurrected and Raptured

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 Century V : #53

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Century V : #53 Empty
PostSubject: Century V : #53   Century V : #53 EmptySat Sep 05, 2015 1:50 pm

V : 53

The law of the Sun and of Venus in strife,
Appropriating the spirit of prophecy:
Neither the one nor the other will be understood,
The law of the great Messiah will hold through the Sun.

Daniel 12:12 : "Blessed is he who waiteth and cometh unto 1,335 days."

That Christ should return on a Feast of Pentecost is indicative of the same Real Presence of the Son as found in The Very Eucharist He has imparted to us.  That such a Feast is also of the Father, from Whom proceeds the Holy Spirit, such a Manifestation of the Blessed Trinity shall also include all those who shall have been drawn to Him, both the dead and the living.

The date for that specific Sunday of Pentecost can be ascertained from other prophecies.

Christ was hailed as King on Palm Sunday, and prophecy has it that His disciples would be hated by all, scoffing at all such allusions to Kingship.  As to Christ coming with great power and glory then (Matt. 24:30), this aspect of Christ's life should be the reckoning of the 1,335th day, for He is our King, forever, now, and always.  Then can be seen the power and glory proper beginning the week prior to that specific Sunday of Pentecost.

The Three Days of Darkness to remind us of Christ's three days in the tomb should rightfully be included here, too.  A re-iteration of the 70th week (Daniel 9:27) can be superimposed as well, as the Three Days of Darkness shall occur in the midst of the week.  On that first week of Judgment (the Holy Week containing Great and Holy Friday, March 25, 2016 A.D. [day 1,291]), concerning the End of Days, Wednesday will be the last day of normal sunlight before that specific Sunday of Pentecost.

Concerning the world being turned into the hands of the antichrist there is the 16th century prophecy concerning the rule left to two (from the rule previous to having been by three).  After 3 years and 7 months those two would go to war, leaving none (no rule).  That formally is the beginning of the time of the antichrist wreaking havoc.  That exact date is necessarily 1,335 days before the Sunday before that specific Sunday of Pentecost.

Knowing of the inability of the third to rule can give us a specific day when the time period of 3 years and 7 months ends.  Due to complications sustained in an automobile accident on Monday, February 9, 2009 A.D., the third finally succumbed on Thursday, March 19, 2009 A.D.  This is a window to calculate such a day that would begin the 3 years and 7 months.  I had visited him on February 14, 2009 A.D., the Saturday after the collision.  It was reported that he had spoken somewhat at length on the previous Thursday, February 12, 2009 A.D., but he was not right, thinking incoherently.  This is the day of the beginning of the rule left to two for 3 years and 7 months.  This would necessarily bring the end of those 3 years and 7 months to Tuesday, September 11, 2012 A.D.

Thus begins the 1,335 days on Wednesday, September 12, 2012 A.D.  This also begins the 1,290 day period of the formal end of the daily sacrifice as found in Daniel 12:11.  This abomination of desolation (no rule) continues until the 1,291st day, which is Great and Holy Friday, March 25, 2016 A.D., also the Feast of the Annunciation.  This day marks another significant phase in Christ's return as Messiah (Great Messiah).  In Old Testament thought, it is called the Judgment, and is included as one of the Four Last Things in Catholic Catechism.

The 1,335th day is then Ascension Sunday, May 8, 2016 A.D, the specific Sunday of Pentecost being May 15, 2016 A.D. Both are Sundays of the Judgment.

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